Monday, September 7, 2009

a vide0 that relates t0 what i feel n0w

here's yr b00bilici0usly clare bernard signing 0ut..xoxo hugs & kisses xoxox peace 0ut!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

twittlets 0n twitter

finally my witty bitch and me are tweeting.. am glad t0 tweet with her ard.. feels like a celebrity.. l0lx

sharing yr daily events and kn0wing what celebrities are d0ing is sure fun.. so twittlets, have fun and keep the "twitter" spirit alive..

here's yr b00bilici0usly clare bernard signing 0ut..xoxo hugs & kisses xoxox peace 0ut!!

first embarkment

hey, dunno wat to say or where to start.. 3rd 0ff day and have been idling @ hm c0nfused and restless abt the future. w0rried abt dad and his c0nditi0n but g0tta stay str0ng f0r mum. g0tta tell myself t0 m0ve 0n keeping dad in my prayers and asking the L0rd to give us the strength t0 guide my dad. right n0w i'm battling the d0wns with c0nfidence optimistically. tru these d0wns, i g0t al0t 0f luv frm my family, my witty_bitch(ct riah),veronica(big sis)and div0 f0r being there when i needed them. this pe0ple are f0r keepers.. like will smith said 0n an interview with Ellen, he menti0ned the maximum amt 0f g00d pe0ple that y0u can c0me in c0ntact with, the betta yr life's g0nna be. hell yeah s0 true.

an0ther thing i have learnt tru my j0b is this: @ dis age of 25, i realized that there's n0 ez way ar0und it,n0 matter h0w talented y0u are, y0ur talent's g0nna fail y0u if y0u're n0t skilled. If y0u dun study, if y0u dun wrk really hard and dedicate y0urself t0 being betta every single day, y0u'll neva be able t0 c0mmunicate with y0ur pr0fessi0n the way that y0u wan. i kn0w f0r a fact the d0wns now w0uldnt be permanent. i see my ups tru that projecti0n and i am c0ntented with the results.

here's yr b00bilici0usly clare bernard signing 0ut..xoxo hugs & kisses xoxox peace 0ut!!